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The e-mail export works only with some servers. With others there're problems. This will be fixed in some time.
PDF/A is being developed. When this will be done, generated PDFs should be able to be opened on Macs.
Do the two spacers intersect with each other?
Thank you for the Rave editor. But at the moment the key problem with the Rave import is different: I need a stable version of Rave (a set of .dcu files) that doesn't corrupt memory. The version of Rave that I have corrupts memory and that's why the…
All SQL queries were skipped, because they corrupted Rave. When I find a stable version of Rave, the import will be able to convert your queries also.
I examined your reports. The attached version of Rave Import can convert your rav files. These reports contain very long SQL requests and with "ability" of some Rave versions corrupt memory this gives unexpected results. Currently I'm looking for a …
E-Mail export doesn't support encrypting.
Here is a bit updated version of the Rave import. I replaced datamirrors with memos of the same size, as suggested ven and I also added the ability to cancel importing, since some components (like IBX dataconnections) may take a lot of time to be cr…
Embedded tables in a RTF memo need additional processing before generating a RTF file. This does not mean that embedded tables will not work, but it must be understood that not all tables will be processed correctly. You have either to simplify thes…
Embedded RichView components currently must not have tables inside.
Thank for the detailed answer! Comments from Thomas PFister are also very appreciated. Does anyone use "the plain mirroring" i.e. mirroring a section by another section or a DataMirrorSection via their "Mirror" property?
Petter, thank you for the information. It makes some things clear to me. I found a problem with mirroring sections in Rave 8. It's possible to make a closed loop and thus crush Rave. It needs only three sections: A, B and C; B is inside A and B m…
ven, I examined your report. 1. DataMirror and SectionMirror components seem to copy contents of some other container component. FR doesn't have such mirroring features. Is it ok to emulate Rave's mirroring by copying contents of a referred to co…
Petter S., could you make a simple app that'll be able to design/view your file? This app will enable me to see its contents. Rave5 is unable to open it.
Did you try %2.2n ?
ven, it's a good idea to make a compiled Rave previewer. If you can, please also make a compiled designer so that I can see your report before previewing. I need a simple app that can - open an arbitrary .rav file of Rave8 version - see in the d…
I imported Andre.rav and it took 3-4 seconds to complete all 31 fr3 files. Try to disable IBX (just make ibinstall.dll inaccessible) and import again.
One main difference between your system and mine is that you have IBX installed. Maybe IBX components take so much time. When I import your rav file it takes about 3 seconds, but all IBX components are skipped. Your 1.fr3 file is not slow on my m…
Here is the beta version of the import. It's highly apprectiated if you'll test it on your reports. To use this tool follow these steps: 1. Click File | Designer to open FR designer. 2. Click File | Open in the designer. 3. Select a .rav file. …
I found that your reports contain a Rave-specific feature - several reports inside one rav file. It's more accurate to represent such reports as several fr3 files, maybe as a zip archive. Here are these archives.
Petter S., thank you for the useful link - I found there TRaveJPEGImage component and now I'm able to convert the report of starhu. starhu, the attachment contains fr3 file produced from your rav file. Please, point to things in this fr3 that are…
Petter S., the import converted your report to fr3 file, but Rave5 failed to open the .rav file - it said that a component with a weird name is missing. See the attachment for the fr3 file and the screenshot of the error. Please point to things in t…
In what version of Rave it's created? Your report contains a component TRaveJPEGImage that Rave v5.0 doesn't have.
Petter S., we're going to support bands, entire design, database connections. Scripts is now a question - maybe they'll be converted to FR, maybe not. Attach some Rave reports with most complex structure. Include scripts too - we'll see whether it's…
FR cannot export to PostScript.
Text fields must not leave free space. If you place a text field and after a small gap place another text field, then the export will assume that there're 3 fields.
It seems you reinstalled the component TfrxCSVExport improperly. Maybe a copy of this export still exists somewhere in your system.
Apple Macintosh processors use big-endian byte order, AMD and Intel processors use little-endian byte order. This means, that a document created in AMD or Intel processor (using standard programming techinques) cannot be opened by Macintosh and vice…
Yes, some information is needed. Write parameteres of your machine (OS, processor, etc.) and I will try to do the export in a virtual machine.
Yes, the outline wil be added.