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  • Hi to Anyone who reads this post, I've added these attachments which are the screens from MadExcept when I reproduce the issue outlines in this post. I figure someone may get something relevant from it and it might help to finally resolve the pro…
  • VM System Details and OS VMWare Server Console - Version 1.0.1 build-29996 OS - Windows 2000 5.00.2195 SP4 Intel celeron 3.33Ghz CPU 256 MB RAM MY own Dekstop System is - Windows XP 2002 SP3 on Intel core Duo CPU 2GHZ with 2GB RAM …
  • Hi I am back Moday the 4th and will attempt to give you the specifics of the environment i have / am using so you can replicate. Thanks
  • I have two things to add to this post, The first is that I should have posted this in the Fast Reports 4.0 section and not Studio Section as this problem is relating to using the Delphi 5 components, however i imagine its the same stuff for the s…
  • Draeden wrote: » I've exported your report to OLE XLS and XML XLS. No error occured. Produced Excel files are correct. Probably, you're using an FR build that is out of date. Try to export this report with the latest build. Thanks for testi…
  • yimi wrote: » And what made me confused is it can work very normally last week, but now it can't work. Please help me, thank you! Hi I have the same problem, I posted on this forum and had been given a suggestion but it has not worked, i se…
  • Draeden wrote: » Attach a sample report (.fr3 or .fp3) that causes the error. If you don't use images in your report, there is a solution. At the moment a new xls export is being developed. Now it's able to export all report elements except for i…