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Done! Adding: AChartView.Chart.BottomAxis.Increment := 5; Changes the axis to show "0, 5, 10, 15, 20. 25, 30" labels only. [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="biggr…
Very, very close to working!!! [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="biggrin.gif" /> AChartView.Chart.BottomAxis.SetMinMax(0, 30); AChartView.Chart.LeftAxis.SetMinMax(0, …
Ah OK! By setting AChartView.SeriesData[0].XType := xtNumber; I now get the x-axis in a liner fasion:
Hi Thanks for the response but I've already got to this point. The problem is is that the X Axis is non linear. That is the distance between 0 and 3 is the same as between 3 and 9, and again between 9 and 17. I want the X Axis to go in a linea…
So what I do using TeeChart is: // Set Y-axis = 0, 100 // Set X-axis = 0, 30 // First line, blue TeeChart.SeriesList[0].AddXY(0, 95); TeeChart.SeriesList[0].AddXY(3, 95); TeeChart.SeriesList[0].AddXY(9, 5); TeeChart.SeriesList[0].AddXY(17…
So if you could show me how to draw this using the most basic code:
Hi I'll do that when I get a chance to put together a demo. In the mean time if you could demonstrate code like : Chart1.SeriesData[0].Source1 := 'A;B;C'; //labels Chart1.SeriesData[0].Source2 := '1;2;3'; //x Chart1.SeriesData[0].Source3 …
Hi gordk Sorry no this still makes absolutely no sense to me. Could you possible show me the code to get the last (bottom) graph picture on my first question? Thanks A
Ok so I've tried to add this to the script of the report: procedure FastReportOnStartReport(Sender: TfrxComponent); var i, p, c, m : Integer; AReport : TfrxReport; APage : TfrxReportPage; AMasterData : TfrxMasterData; ACrossView : TfrxCross…
Is there a way in script that I can iterate through (list) all the controls on the report?
"only in internal script" Ok, so how??? I don't know how many cross views will be on the report as the user can select as many as they want. I need to then modify the cross views in script so that some cells fonts are bold or a different colour. …
mmmm... another major weakness in FastReport I'm afraid... I think a lot of people are using code to create on the fly reports and running into problems. Oh well
Good question. I'm (and I'm not alone) having difficulty getting the alignment set. I'm adding data to the cross view at run time on the "ReportBeforePrint" event. Even with the Alignment of the cross view set to baCenter the grid draws to the le…
...and also. If I'm using the before print method of a fast report object, how can I assign my own OnPrintCell to a TfrxCrossView or is this only available in script? procedure TReportDesignerPreviewForm.FastReportBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxReportCo…
Any ideas? What I need to do is change the formatting (font, bold, style) of some 'cells' in a cross view. For example: Col 1 | Col 2 | Col 3 | va1 | val | val | va1 | val | val …
Hi I'm already doing that but when I do it changes the entire table contents to font size 20. Any ideas? Thanks
Ok I'm being a bit stupid. I can just change the Top values for the Master Data items to switch things around.
Hi I'm not sure what is wrong here. try add frxDesgn unit in uses clause. I just: frxReport.LoadFromFile(FTemplate); frxReport.PrepareReport; frxReport.DesignReport;
Hi Andriy Do you get an error? Just not showing the designer? I'm not having problems. Using 4.0 on Delphi XE. frxReport: TfrxReport; ... frxReport.LoadFromFile(FTemplate); frxReport.DesignReport; works for me.
Hi Yes that seems to be the only way. Just a bit difficult for me as the report is being created and previewed dynamically. I can work around it though. Thanks for the response. A
Ok, thanks. Confusion for me is that I'm creating the MasterData and UserDataSet in code, no forms. Our customers require very flexable reporting so it's done on the fly as the create them. As I've got the MasterData/MemoView working fine now I'l…
Hi Yes I had those two options set. What fixed the issue in the end was setting: 1) MasterData.RowCount := 1; 2) MemoView.StretchMode := smMaxHeight; Thanks for the response though.
Try adding a RegisterClass(TfrxDBDataset) to the Create() of your Delphi application... let me know if this works for you.
SOLUTION: After stepping through the code for a bit I've found that for some reason the FastReport code was failing at a FindClass() call, looking for TfrxUserDataSet. So all you have to do is add a RegisterClass(TfrxUserDataSet); to the cr…
UPDATE: I noticed that if I included, for example, frxClass to the 'uses' clause of my project right clicking on it and selecting 'Find Declaration' didn't take me to the unit. After running the Fast Report Recompile utility this now works. Un…
gdi. I've done that and the project compiles, runs and previews without problem... I've tried copying the 'uses' clause into my project but have the problem still. To reiterate the problem isn't during compilation but when I call the method to ad…
Hi Jose I'm having a similar problem adding a TfrxUserDataSet by code. I have a TfrxUserDataSet on the form so it is installed and can be found but still won't work... If I find a solution to my problem there will be a similar fix for yours.
Thanks but this doesn't work either. At this stage I think I'll try to reinstall the FastReport controls. If that doesn't work then there are thankfully other reporting tools that I can use...
Yep, this product is dead in the water isn't it?
Hi Delphi XE The form unit that has the "frxReport" and "frxPreviedw" uses clause: uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, cxPCdxBarPopupMenu, cxGraphics, cxControls, cxLookAndFee…