Chart and colors?

renerene Prague, Czech Republic, Europe
edited 9:58PM in FastReport 3.0
Hi there,
I would like to know how to change the default color used in pie charts. It seems like FR hide and ignore all the TChartXXX properties like ColorSource (which will be very usefull - actually I have colors stored in DB, so I can get them in SQL) or array of color in ValueColor[] property. Is it possible to set my own colors for Pie some other way? Any idea? I suppose that some changes in frxChart will fix this issue. Does anybody tried to solve this already?
Thank you for any response,


  • renerene Prague, Czech Republic, Europe
    edited 9:58PM
    rene wrote:
    I would like to know how to change the default color used in pie charts.
    OK, no answer - nevermind.
    my solution is in change of definition of object "TfrxPieSeriesHelper" in standard unit "frxChartHelpers" (OK, this is not the best solution, but it works) this way (mind the +/- rm tags):
    { TfrxPieSeriesHelper }
    procedure TfrxPieSeriesHelper.AddValues(Series: TChartSeries; const v1, v2,
      v3, v4, v5, v6: String; XType: TfrxSeriesXType);
      d: Double;
      c: TColor; // + rm 11.01.2007
      if Series.YValues.DateTime then
        d := StrToDateTime(v2)
        d := frxStrToFloat(v2);
    //  Series.Add(d, v1, clTeeColor); // - rm 11.01.2007
      // + rm 11.01.2007
      c := clTeeColor;
      if v2 <> '' then
        c := StringToColor(v3);
       ; // nothing
      Series.Add(d, v1, c);
    function TfrxPieSeriesHelper.GetParamNames: String;
    //  Result := 'Label;Pie'; // - rm 11.01.2007
      Result := 'Label;Pie;Color (optional)'; // + rm 11.01.2007

    In my opinion is it very simple and usefull change with no harm to standard code of FR3.

    Enjoy it,

    PS: If FR team consider to use it in next release/update of FR3, it will be great. (At least I will avoid some merging problems during upgrades.)

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