
Good Morning!
I was wondering how to load a picture into the TfrxPictureView component, given the filename of the image.
I found the FileLink method, but I am not sure how to use it.
Can you provie a short code sample on how to do this?
I was wondering how to load a picture into the TfrxPictureView component, given the filename of the image.
I found the FileLink method, but I am not sure how to use it.
Can you provie a short code sample on how to do this?

What report event should I use?
What if there is not image for this record? Use an if fileexists...?
Hi guys, soory to be a pain. I'm trying to do similar and can;t get either FileLink or File Exists to work. Would you be so kind as to give an example of their usage?
I'm using C+= script.
Many thanks.