Show Report Version #

Does anyone know how to show the report version number? I can display the fast reports verion and build, but I want to display the report version and build, so that if clients call me with a question, I can have them read off the version # of the report to me.
I know the event is firing, as the showmessage procedure fires. I know the memo field is ok, as I can set the test in code, however, as soon as I try adding the build numbers, I get blanks.
Anyone have any ideas?
You must set this propertyes yourself when you create report.
I would settle for being able to show the date that the report was last modified, at least then, I could parse the date, and use it as my build id, which would probably be more accurate. I can't even get the modified date to show up, it is acting like it is blank too. :-(
To test it do this:
1) Crerate new report.
2) Place two memo objects.
3) In first memo write [Report.ReportOptions.CreateDate]
4) In second memo write [Report.ReportOptions.LastChange]
5) Set memos Display format to Date.
6) Run report.