Show Report Version #

PixelPointerPixelPointer Vaughan, Ontario
edited 6:08AM in FastReport 3.0
Does anyone know how to show the report version number? I can display the fast reports verion and build, but I want to display the report version and build, so that if clients call me with a question, I can have them read off the version # of the report to me.



  • detlefdetlef Germany
    edited 6:08AM
    See the property ReportOptions from TfrxReport. There are properties as VersionBuild, VersionBuild, VersionMajor, VersionMinor and VersionRelease which include the necessary information.
  • PixelPointerPixelPointer Vaughan, Ontario
    edited 6:08AM
    Thanks. I tried it, but I must be doing something wrong. In my pagefooter, before print event, I set a Memo object's text property to the version numbers, but I get a blank. I looked at the report options, and the data is set, it just does not seem to want to show me the version. I tried a showmessage command to just show me the build number, and I also got a blank.
    procedure PageFooter1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
           memVersion.Text := 'V' + tfrxReport.ReportOptions.VersionMajor + '.' + tfrxReport.ReportOptions.VersionMinor + '.' + tfrxReport.ReportOptions.VersionRelease + '.' + tfrxReport.ReportOptions.VersionBuild;
           //Showmessage('V' + tfrxReport.ReportOptions.VersionMajor + '.' + tfrxReport.ReportOptions.VersionMinor + '.' + tfrxReport.ReportOptions.VersionRelease + '.' + tfrxReport.ReportOptions.VersionBuild);

    I know the event is firing, as the showmessage procedure fires. I know the memo field is ok, as I can set the test in code, however, as soon as I try adding the build numbers, I get blanks.

    Anyone have any ideas?
  • PixelPointerPixelPointer Vaughan, Ontario
    edited 6:08AM
    Again, I did everything I could think of to get this to work. I looked for options that would maybe be stopping the version from being displayed, but I found nothing. Does the version number work for anyone else?
  • edited 6:08AM
    By default this propertyes is blank.
    You must set this propertyes yourself when you create report.
  • PixelPointerPixelPointer Vaughan, Ontario
    edited 6:08AM
    I did. I set them, and I can see them set. :-( However, the behaviour that I am seeing, is like it is not set.

    I would settle for being able to show the date that the report was last modified, at least then, I could parse the date, and use it as my build id, which would probably be more accurate. I can't even get the modified date to show up, it is acting like it is blank too. :-(

  • edited 6:08AM
    The date fields is not blank.
    To test it do this:
    1) Crerate new report.
    2) Place two memo objects.
    3) In first memo write [Report.ReportOptions.CreateDate]
    4) In second memo write [Report.ReportOptions.LastChange]
    5) Set memos Display format to Date.
    6) Run report.
  • PixelPointerPixelPointer Vaughan, Ontario
    edited 6:08AM
    That worked out quite well. I have no idea what I was doing wrong, but I feel pretty foolish. Thank you so very much for your help. ;)

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