Report not printing error
Hi all :)
We are evaluating the VCL version and trying to print a label on a Dymo 550turbo printer.
While all applications, even a text editor can print on the printer, this report solution can't. I receive an error message "printer not currently printing". A job is placed into the spool - but not printed.
How can I fix this?
I already played around with page orientation and other settings in the print dialogue - without sucess.
any other windwos application can print on that printer without setting any parameter. even the windows "test page" mechanic can ..
Any idea?
When I try to print the same label with the tool (from the website) "Report Viewer for VCL" (prepared with my Delphi App) the printing works fine.
So it seems to be a problem with the Delphi printing system .. (even the preview app within Delphi does not print)
It's not a Delphi problem. When I use the delphi standard printing system, everything works as good as other Windows Apps.
Printer.Canvas.TextOut(40, 100, 'Test");
So the bug must be inside this report library ..