Page1=Data Page2=Report


After a lot of reading I have not satisfied my thoughts.

How can I make my page 2 report get results from page 1 data?

I can not edit the layout all on one page as the databands push my report summary off the bottom.

Tried a page two for the layout seeing my ref to the data was not made leaving my results empty.

So I finished my layout first on page 2 to cut and paste my band back to page 1.

I guess there is a way apart from the way I done it.


  • Store required values in the report variables and use they on the second page

  • Thanks gpi for your suggestion.

    However that seemed somewhat complexer than what I now find as a better solution, Inheritance.

    Took a while to get there and yes I have to jump from Template.fr3 to MasterData.fr3 but still works.

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