print raw file directly to network printer

Hi All,

I have a lot of trouble using a printer (Epson LQ-690 printer) on another PC.

Normally I can share a printer on another PC and use it on the network.

But installing this printer on any PC in the network gives me an error of 0x000003e3.

I tried several solutions but nothing helps.

I know it is possible to print a file to a network printer using Powershell.

I use FastReport to output a file (save is only possible to pdf format) and print this file using Powershell.

I tried this on another printer in the network, and the result is good.

But using the Epson LQ-690 printer, with the 0x000003e3 problem, the format is not good. All kind of rubbish is printed. Printing on the PC were the Epson LQ-690 printer is installed is working good.

Is it possible to output a raw binary file with FastReport so I can send this one to the network printer?

I tried a text file, and this is working properly. But can FastReport export a raw file?

I hope someone can help me.


  • Did you try to use Dot-matrix report?

  • Hi,

    Thanks for your reply.

    Is it possible to save the output to file like in the dialog in code?

    It seems that 'frxReport.SaveToFile(ReportFileName);' is something different then selecting 'save to file' in the printing dialog.

    If I use 'save to file' in the printing dialog and the output is dot-matrix it seems okay.

    But it is more convenient to do this in code.

  • Use frxReport1.PreviewPages.SaveToFile

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