Fatal error: fs_isysrtti.pas(625): F2051 Unit fs_iinterpreter has been compiled with different versi
German error looks like:
[dcc32 Fataler Fehler] fs_isysrtti.pas(625): F2051 Unit fs_iinterpreter wurde mit einer unterschiedlichen Version von fs_isysrtti.TfsSysFunctions compiliert
I installed v6.1.1 today on Delphi 10.2.2 and get this error.
Tried to recompile it same. Same thing.
Path to LibD25 is configured (C:\Program Files (x86)\FastReport 6 VCL Standard\LibD25). Components are found, but still get this error.
Any ideas?
EDIT: Have seen https://www.fast-report.com/en/forum/index....showtopic=14684 but did not find a solution
[dcc32 Fataler Fehler] fs_isysrtti.pas(625): F2051 Unit fs_iinterpreter wurde mit einer unterschiedlichen Version von fs_isysrtti.TfsSysFunctions compiliert
I installed v6.1.1 today on Delphi 10.2.2 and get this error.
Tried to recompile it same. Same thing.
Path to LibD25 is configured (C:\Program Files (x86)\FastReport 6 VCL Standard\LibD25). Components are found, but still get this error.
Any ideas?
EDIT: Have seen https://www.fast-report.com/en/forum/index....showtopic=14684 but did not find a solution
Updated to Delphi 10.2.3 Tokyo this morning.
Reinstalled FR 6.1.1
Still the same.
What are FR units? You mean pas files?
This problem is of special permission to use the FastScript and LibDxx folder, not FastReport. Note that the file fs_isysrtti.dcu is located in the FastScript and LibDxx and LibDxx64 (64 bit) folders, depending on the version of Delphi in c: \ program files or c: \ program files (x86). The solution is to right click on the folder, "properties", "security," bt edit ", select:" user (desktop) ", and in the option below check the box" modify "." Ok ". allows special access to the file and will solve the problem. Another alternative is to install FastReport, for example, in C: \ Users \ Public. Don't forget to check Delphi in Toos -> options .... Lybrary.
for me this seemed to be a problem of compiler settings... presumably the setting which were used for compiling fs_iinterpreter were different from the ones which I used in my project.
In particular the record alignment had to be set to "quad word" for me.
Hope this helps!