Multiple menu items in the preview window save menu


I create a TfrxReport component at runtime and also the components for PDF, XLSX and DOCX to have to possibility to export these formats:









 frxPDFExport.Subject:='PDF Export';





... and so on



When I now start my report and show the preview window, I get multiple menu items after clicking the save button in the menu:

Why are there multiple items?

I use Delphi Sydney 10.3 Update 2 and FastReport 6.5.1 (this is not the one which is shipped with Delphi, I have bought FastReports via FastReports homepage).

Any ideas?


  • I have found the problem. I have also two TForm windows with the PDF, XLSX and DOCX export components on it. So FastReport adds for every PDF, XLSX, ... (created at runtime or designtime) an menu item for it. I have removed now these components from the TForm windows and only use the runtime created and now the save menu is correct.

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