Group Header using an entire page

edited 8:40AM in FastReport VCL

I need a full title page for each change in my group header. If I use 2 pages in the report and use the fist page for the group header and the second for the data band, i'm getting an error cause the group header doesn't have a databand.

Can't you connect the group header and databand if they are in 2 different pages ?
If not, how can you have a full title page for each new value of the field of the group ?



  • edited 8:40AM
    I guest my question is not understandable ?
  • edited 8:40AM

    not sure if its going to work but you can try :

    Create 2 Page

    Group Header
    Master Data (which shown full page)

    Page 2

    Master Data
    Detail Data
    Wahtever Data you want
    Group Footer

    Danzerg wrote: »
    I guest my question is not understandable ?
  • edited 8:40AM
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  • edited 8:40AM
    boakoms wrote: »

    not sure if its going to work but you can try :

    Create 2 Page

    Group Header
    Master Data (which shown full page)

    Page 2

    Master Data
    Detail Data
    Wahtever Data you want
    Group Footer



    It doesn't work :

    1) you can't have a group footer on a page without group header
    2) if i don't put a group footer, the first pages are all print (group by group) before the second begin

  • PolomintPolomint Australia
    edited July 2019
    I haven't got access to FastReport right now, but...

    What happens if you put all of the Bands on one page and make sure all of the "keep together" / "reprint on new page" Propeties are False?

    Won't that give you the GroupHeader on Page 1 and the Detail and Footers etc. on Page 2 when the Report is shown?

    Cheers, Paul

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