Group Header using an entire page
I need a full title page for each change in my group header. If I use 2 pages in the report and use the fist page for the group header and the second for the data band, i'm getting an error cause the group header doesn't have a databand.
Can't you connect the group header and databand if they are in 2 different pages ?
If not, how can you have a full title page for each new value of the field of the group ?
I need a full title page for each change in my group header. If I use 2 pages in the report and use the fist page for the group header and the second for the data band, i'm getting an error cause the group header doesn't have a databand.
Can't you connect the group header and databand if they are in 2 different pages ?
If not, how can you have a full title page for each new value of the field of the group ?
not sure if its going to work but you can try :
Create 2 Page
Group Header
Master Data (which shown full page)
Page 2
Master Data
Detail Data
Wahtever Data you want
Group Footer
It doesn't work :
1) you can't have a group footer on a page without group header
2) if i don't put a group footer, the first pages are all print (group by group) before the second begin
What happens if you put all of the Bands on one page and make sure all of the "keep together" / "reprint on new page" Propeties are False?
Won't that give you the GroupHeader on Page 1 and the Detail and Footers etc. on Page 2 when the Report is shown?
Cheers, Paul