Save button on Preview window doesn't show Email option

edited January 2018 in FastReport VCL 5

I changed on the previous months a project that was being compiled with C++Builder 2010 and FR4 to C++Builder 10.1 and FR5.

I noticed today that the Save button, in the Preview window, doesn't list as an option, as it did before, the Email option. It lists the other options I have enabled by placing them on a shared datamodule that is created at runtime (and actually, every time a report is generated a secondary copy of this datamodule is created for that particular run), but I don't see the email one in the options. Actually the options have several times the same ones (it lists, for some reason, about 4 sets of the exports I have placed on the DataModule).

I don't know if something was changed between FR4 -> FR5 that modified the way this should be handled or configured for that option to appear?


Forgot to add: I'm using the latest available version: 5.6.8. I have already tried setting up an ExportFilter = PDFExport for the properties, but it still doesn't show.


  • edited 9:56PM
    I have added the frMailExport directly to the form where a frReport is and it still doesn't show in the save options. I'm guessing this is somethig else and not that it is not registering that export.
  • PolomintPolomint Australia
    edited January 2018
    G'day RG,

    I am not sure if this helps, but can you tell us what "Buttons" are set on your Preview?

    I'd be interested to know if you have either of pbNoEmail and pbExportQuick set to True.

    And also, what is pbExport set to?

    Cheers, Paul

    [If you don't understand what I've asked, Open your Application Source in the IDE, and look at the Object Inspector for your TfrxReport component under property PreviewOptions, for the sub-property Buttons. You'll find there a lot of pbXXXX values.]
  • edited 9:56PM
    Hello Paul,

    Thanks for the reply.

    I opened the FR sources last saturday and found that the email is only added if the pbExportQuick button is being displayed, so I modified my code to enable this and now I can send via email as before.

    Polomint wrote: »
    I am not sure if this helps, but can you tell us what "Buttons" are set on your Preview?

    I'd be interested to know if you have either of pbNoEmail and pbExportQuick set to True.

    Yes, effectively that was the reason it wasn't being shown.

    Thanks for your help!

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