Print Detail Hedaer, if Detail Data is Empty

osmantaskiranosmantaskiran Turkey
edited September 2004 in FastReport 3.0
I have Master Data - Detail Header - Detail Data - Detail2 Header - Detail2 Data

How can i print detail header and detail2 header if detail data is empty and if detail data2 is empty.

I did try "Print if Detail Empty" but this option doesnt working.



  • edited 2:39AM
    headers can't be printed if corresponding databand is empty.
  • edited 2:39AM
    Is that true... "headers can't be printed if corresponding databand is empty.".

    What if the report needs to show that there are no results?
  • gpigpi
    edited 2:39AM
    You may create child band, copy all objects from header to child band and show child band when you need with Engine.ShowBand command in script
  • edited 2:39AM
    Can you provide a simple example report I can open in the designer showing how to get the child band to print when the detail dataset is empty? I've got a simple master->detail report with all objects on the child band and can't get this suggestion to work.
    gpi wrote: »
    You may create child band, copy all objects from header to child band and show child band when you need with Engine.ShowBand command in script
  • gpigpi
    edited 2:39AM
    Easy way: use TfrxDetailData band with RowCount = 1 instead of TfrxHeader band
  • edited December 2017
    I don't understand that at all. Why would I want to get rid of the TfrxHeader band? Isn't the RowCount property hardwired via the underlying table?

    I work best from examples. I'm just trying to get a Detail band to show up once when the dataset is empty so the user understands what's going on.
    gpi wrote: »
    Easy way: use TfrxDetailData band with RowCount = 1 instead of TfrxHeader band
  • gpigpi
    edited 2:39AM
    Create small demo project with standart Delphi's components and locsl database like FRDemo database and send it to

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