Add the line number in the crosstab

Please, Can see the attachment


Item Grupo 1 Grupo 2
A B C Total E F G Total
item aaa 1 2 30 33 10 7 34 51
item www 1 2 30 33 10 7 8 25
item xxxx 1 2 30 33 10 7 23 40
item zzzz 1 2 28 31 10 7 1 18

I need You , Add the line number in the crosstab

Item Grupo 1 Grupo 2
A B C Total E F G Total
1 item aaa 1 2 30 33 10 7 34 51
2 item www 1 2 30 33 10 7 8 25
3 item xxxx 1 2 30 33 10 7 23 40
4 item zzzz 1 2 28 31 10 7 1 18


  • edited December 2016
    You can get the effect.

    Put a memo exactly into item field and set Align property = alLeft;
    Then declare an integer variable and
    procedure DBCross1Object1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
      TfrxMemoView(Sender).Left := -TfrxMemoView(Sender).Width;
      TfrxMemoView(Sender).Text := IntToStr(i);                                                                                     
  • It shows perfect, but now how do I get it out on the print

    Greetings, Gerardo
  • edited 5:12AM
    It shows perfect, but now how do I get it out on the print

    you want me to explain how to do it? But I showed.
    Please analize my OnBeforePrint procedure.
  • In preview it looks perfect, but when it is sent to the printer or it is exported it does not come out
  • edited 5:12AM
    On export document (pdf) my line number doesn't exists, but when to print then it is.

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