No connection to Dataset

Sometimes, when I start the designer (doubleclick on FrxReport), it is not possible to connect a Report to any Dataset. I use FrxDBDatasets to make the Data available.
I thought, that it is a matter of converting from frf to fr3 Format.
So I tried to design a new Report from scratch. Does not work either.

Sometimes it just works, then again it doesn't.

I use Fr4.15 on Delphi XE. Already have FR5, not installed yet.



  • edited 4:25PM
    If I open the Report > Data Menu a Dialog opens, where all available Datasets should be listed.
    This Dialog shows no Dataset.

    What would I have to do to make the Datasets visible?
    There are 4 Datasets on the Datamodule in question.

  • edited 4:25PM
    found the solution myself:
    I had to put a database connection on the Datamodule that I created for thr Reporting.

    Usually it is possible to use one Connection to tha Database on different Forms/ Units which is not true for this combination of FastReport and Devart IBDac.


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