How to send escape command for dot matrix

edited 5:11PM in FastReport 4.0
Hello every body

i have been struggling for two days just to send escape command to Epson POS Printer (epson TMU220)
i want the printer to cut the paper after it finished printing. the Esc Command for cutting papaer is ESC + i
so i put tfrxDMPCommand at the end of band area and set the command property to #27#105
but still nothing happened...even though then i tried another escape command such make under line or italic,
the report still not responding to the frxDMPCommand.

i tried to send the escape command using raw print method and the printer respond to it normally.
please some body help to figure it out....

thanks in advance


  • edited 5:11PM
    please anyone having the same problem or i'm just the only one ?
    please guide me
  • edited 5:11PM
    I haven't used an EPSON TMU printer for ages. On the Bixolon printers there is a 'Control Font' which allows the sending of control characters.

    If this is a POS terminal the easiest way is to use a printer which is connected to the cash drawer. Opening the drawer sends a paper-cut signal to the printer.

    You may have to send a paper cut signal from outside of the report.
  • @batozai Can you please help me on how you used the TfrxDMPCommand?

    I can't find it in my installation.

    I'm using Delphi 11

    It is not there by designing the report? How do I drop it on the report?

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