FR4 Delphi XE3 Design view becomes altered on runtime preview


I'm using Fast Reports v.4.12.13 Delphi XE3 edition. I have trouble with a two pages report because the design view seems to be ok, but at run time the preview shows distortion in the second page as shown in attachments.

I can't understand what am I doing wrong.

Any help will be appreciated.



  • edited 1:15AM
    Hernando wrote: »

    I'm using Fast Reports v.4.12.13 Delphi XE3 edition. I have trouble with a two pages report because the design view seems to be ok, but at run time the preview shows distortion in the second page as shown in attachments.

    I can't understand what am I doing wrong.

    Any help will be appreciated.

    I notice that you don't use any bands. IMO not using bands, which are positional place holders for other components, is asking for trouble.
  • edited 1:15AM
    technisoft wrote: »
    I notice that you don't use any bands. IMO not using bands, which are positional place holders for other components, is asking for trouble.

    Hi, thank you for replying.

    In your opinion which band type should be used for one page per record report?

    I??m not sure to use one single Page Header band type for the entire page or to use a Master Data band type.

  • edited 1:15AM
    As the data comes from a dataset i think you'll need at least a masterdata band. I think I'd then place the various groups onto childbands.
  • edited 1:15AM
    technisoft wrote: »
    As the data comes from a dataset i think you'll need at least a masterdata band. I think I'd then place the various groups onto childbands.

    Ok, your approach for solving this issue is quite complicated for me.

    What I was looking for, was to prevent the lines from the frames (the frxShapeView) from moving downwards at runtime. I got this behavior just setting the ShiftMode to "smDontShift". Now the report works as expected.

    Thank you anyway.



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