Show a second copy of a report, keeping first one on screen?
How can I show a second copy of a report in preview while the first copy of the report is still displayed on the screen?
I need to do this as in my application the user makes choices from a menu and those choices are used to build the SQL that creates the dataset for the report.
The report is then shown using ShowReport(true);
For example, the user might choose to see a report to do with students' grades for year 11.
Then - while that year 11 report is still in preview (with modal = false) - they go back to the menu and choose to see the same report but this time for year 12.
I know that by setting my report's modal property to false I can open report B while I still have report A displayed in preview. But at the moment, even with modal = false, the year 11 report gets replaced by the year 12 one if I choose the same report.
I need to do this as in my application the user makes choices from a menu and those choices are used to build the SQL that creates the dataset for the report.
The report is then shown using ShowReport(true);
For example, the user might choose to see a report to do with students' grades for year 11.
Then - while that year 11 report is still in preview (with modal = false) - they go back to the menu and choose to see the same report but this time for year 12.
I know that by setting my report's modal property to false I can open report B while I still have report A displayed in preview. But at the moment, even with modal = false, the year 11 report gets replaced by the year 12 one if I choose the same report.
Thank you gpi,
However I currently don't save any reports to a file so there is nothing to load. Where did the 1.frs and 2.fr3 files you are loading come from?
If they are the report design saved to a file does this mean I need to save, and distribute, as many duplicate copies of my report as there are menu choice combinations creating the sql.? There could be quite a few (around 60 that I can think of and that's just for one report eg 4 year groups, 6 houses, 2 genders, 40 registration groups plus options on the field the report is grouped by)
Thanks for the suggestion gpi, but that didn't make any difference. The second report overwrites the first instead of appearing in a new preview window.
Also, using those lines instead of just frxReport1.ShowReport(true), I get an error from the ClientDataset that supplies the data to the report (via a frxDBDataset) - 'No index currently active'. I set up various indexes before showing the report to alter the sort order depending upon the choices the user makes.
You can use only one preview for one TfrxReport instance
Thats what I was begininning to suspect.
Is it possible therefore to create a second instance of a TfrxReport?
Currently I have the TrfxReport object placed on a form because that is so much easier.
Does this mean that I wouild need to create the report dynamically, using something like
MyReport := TrfxReport.create?
If so I've no idea how I would set all the elements of this report up. (The report in question is a cross tab report containing several interactive elements and quite a bit of code that manipulates what is shown in the cells and how it is dislayed.)
Maybe I've reached a limitation of FastReport
I faced a similar difficulty as you did Howard. For now, I got a temporary solution by coding like this:
- update the source of Fast Report ie. frxPreview.pas
procedure TfrxPreview.RefreshReport;
hpos, vpos, pno: Integer;
//if not Assigned(Report) then exit; // just don't user the Refresh feature
hpos := FWorkspace.FOffset.X;
vpos := FWorkspace.FOffset.Y;
pno := FPageNo;
FRefreshing := True;
FLocked := False;
FThumbnail.Locked := False;
if pno <= PageCount then
FPageNo := pno
FPageNo := 1;
FRefreshing := False;
FWorkspace.FOffset.X := hpos;
FWorkspace.FOffset.Y := vpos;
FWorkspace.Locked := False;
if pno > PageCount then
PageNo := 1;
- don't use ShowReport, but
There are drawbacks w/ this ad hoc solution:
- user must wait until the full report prepared before the preview window showed
- we can not utilize the auto-refresh ability of fastreport, which is good for some occasions
Actually, Fastreport preview engine is a dynamic preview, while what we wanted is a static one.
Hope this can help.