Filtering data not working in runtime
Hello! I am applying a filter to a dataset in runtime, after I'm testing the filter of my dataSet (TMyDACTable) and it's ok, even in a DBGrid, but when my report is shown, the filter doesn't work. Is there something else to update the filter of the report's dataSet?
I use a TfrxDBDataSet in my form and set a TMyDACTable as it's DataSet. When I apply the filter in design time and show the report it works fine.
The part of code I'm using to apply the filter is the following one:
I use a TfrxDBDataSet in my form and set a TMyDACTable as it's DataSet. When I apply the filter in design time and show the report it works fine.
The part of code I'm using to apply the filter is the following one:
with frxDBDataset.GetDataSet do
      Filter  := someFilter;
      Filtered := True;
Yes Mick. But seems that this is not the problem.
And yet (as I prefer databases to do the main job) - can you create a dynamic query at run-time changing where clause?
Or maybe a query with a parameter will be enough?