Problem getting fields lists and fields aliases from a frxCustomDataset
Hello, I declare in a function a variable named dataSet, its type is TfrxCustomDataset. The problem is that I'm trying to get the fields names and fields aliases, but when I work with this dataSet variable in a loop, the error Index out of bounds is shown. Originally I have 2 other variables: fieldsAliases and fieldsNames (TStringList).
The procedure I'm using is this one:
Let's assume that this can be replaced by the function dataSet.GetFieldList(fieldList). When I do it, the values of my fieldList's strings receive the fields' aliases actually. I'd like to solve this: get the field's lists and field's aliases in the respective variables. Thanks.
The procedure I'm using is this one:
procedure TfrmFiltraRelatorio.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  i: Integer;
  fieldList, fieldAliases : TStringList;
  fieldList    := TStringList.Create;
  fieldAliases := TStringList.Create;
  for i := 0 to Pred(dataSet.FieldsCount) do
Let's assume that this can be replaced by the function dataSet.GetFieldList(fieldList). When I do it, the values of my fieldList's strings receive the fields' aliases actually. I'd like to solve this: get the field's lists and field's aliases in the respective variables. Thanks.
Yes Mick, I have the same error
Hava a look at sample code below, maybe it will help you anyway: Let us know if they answer your ticket. The solution may be usefull for many FR users.
Thnx Mick, here is the link to the ticket
Thanks for the help again!