GIF files showing in designer but not preview
I'm using FastReportsVCL and the report contains GIF images.
I can load a GIF into the designer and it shows perfectly at design time but when previewing the report at run time, the picture area is blank. When using a BMP or other file type, this is visible at both design and run time.
I'm using Delphi XE3 so had to add Vcl.Imaging.GifImg to the form's USES clause. Is there anything else I can do to enable GIFs to show on the report at run time?
I can load a GIF into the designer and it shows perfectly at design time but when previewing the report at run time, the picture area is blank. When using a BMP or other file type, this is visible at both design and run time.
I'm using Delphi XE3 so had to add Vcl.Imaging.GifImg to the form's USES clause. Is there anything else I can do to enable GIFs to show on the report at run time?
As I say, it appears to be exclusive to GIFs. A GIF will load and appear in the designer, but the area of the picture at run time is blank. I need to be able to produce a report including dynamically referenced GIF files, but at the moment it won't even show a static GIF.
In theory I could convert the GIFs to another format before printing but there are quite a few of them and I suspect the issue is relatively trivial to resolve if you know how...
But when you open a Load File dialog first what one can see is a list of a few types: