stored procedure
I've got a procedure in Oracle SQL Developer that fill a table with the data i'll need to use in my report.
This procedure receives three parameters:
date1 and date2 that the user will set in a dialog page and will be stored in report's variables.
rc out sys_refcursor, that is an out parameter.
I want to know if is possible to call this stored procedure in the DialogPage1OnDeactivate event.
The way to call this procedure from oracle sql developer is:
v_date1 date;
v_date2 date;
rc sys_refcursor;
v_date1 := '01/01/10';
v_date2 := '01/01/11';
package.procedure(p_date1 => v_date1,
p_date2 => v_date2,
rc => rc);
I've got a procedure in Oracle SQL Developer that fill a table with the data i'll need to use in my report.
This procedure receives three parameters:
date1 and date2 that the user will set in a dialog page and will be stored in report's variables.
rc out sys_refcursor, that is an out parameter.
I want to know if is possible to call this stored procedure in the DialogPage1OnDeactivate event.
The way to call this procedure from oracle sql developer is:
v_date1 date;
v_date2 date;
rc sys_refcursor;
v_date1 := '01/01/10';
v_date2 := '01/01/11';
package.procedure(p_date1 => v_date1,
p_date2 => v_date2,
rc => rc);
Error Code: 1436
Thread stack overrun: xxx bytes used of a yyy byte stack, and 128000 bytes needed. Use mysqld -O thread_stack=# to specify a bigger stack.
Questions: What is a good number to set "thread stack" to? Does MySQL have to be re-started? Where can mysqld -O etc. be run from within phpadmin?
I downloaded and installed MySQL Workbench in order to create stored procedures. Good up to there. I have a single, simple table with a single record, and the stored proc is just "Select ". So one concern is, How much room do I need for a complex stored proc when the dB gets filled up?