Fastreports 3 and IBObjects

edited June 2004 in FastReport 3.0
Is there going to be internal sql access for IBObjects? I really need to be able to release new reports to my program that are not dependent on external objects, but I am using IBObjects.

Currently with fast reports 2.5 I am using external datasets but that is too static. I really like the internal BDE/IBX/ADO datasets. Will there be the same in the final build of FR3 for IBObjects?

I saw mention of TfrxIBODataSet but its not in the 0.9 beta I downloaded, but I know thats not really what I need anyway.




  • edited 2:11AM
    I guess this post is irrelevant as I just found the new database wizard that can create any new engine.

    It didnt actually work however, the created units use a property called "database" which is not declared, causing an Undeclared identifier: 'Database' in the file frxIBEditor.pas - is this a known bug? I'd really like to experiment with the internal stuff.

    I'd compare the source to the IBX source and try and fix it, but of course theres no source in the demo.


  • edited 2:11AM
    Aren't you Jason Wharton? ;)
    IBO engine will be added later.
  • edited 2:11AM
    We are all Jason Wharton because we love IBObjects. ;)

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