ExportToRTF image format question

I'm exporting screenshots from application to FastReport Studio.
When I checked generated RTF file I found that all images are exported as EMF (rtf tag /emfblib).
Is there a way to force FastReport to export images to RTF as PNG (rtf tag \pngblip), so size of generated rtf file is smaller ?


  • edited 2:38AM
    I think it's possible to add this feature, but the only thing I can do right now is to add your request to our to-do list. This also means that the feature will be available in FR5, not in FR4. If you're still interested in it, please confirm your request.
  • edited 2:38AM
    Hi Draeden,
    thanks for quick reply.
    Management is interested in this feature and we will use it after it will be available.
    Meantime users can either compress RTF files or open/save them in Word if they wish smaller files.

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