
edited 8:31AM in FastReport .NET
Hi all,

I have a questions about StoreData functionality.

When I set it to TRUE, data will be stored with my report - in DB for example,but together in report file.
After loading the report from DB I get the data stored in this report file. It is ok,but what if I want to reload/update them? Is there any way do it programatically?

What dependencies are there on the tables having StoreData set? I mean I have some sqlCommand specified and sometimes it throws error. Does it mean all tables I have in this sqlCommand on selected table must also have StoreData set to True?

My goal is to Create report first and programatically setup sqlCommand for tableA/select blabla from tableA,tableB.../ and store the data with report - reason is it takes 5 seconds to load the data each time and storing data with report would mean 1s i think :-)
But in this phase I have data stored with report in DB,but it contains each time same data. It is ok for some time,but sometimes I want to update this data and use new one for time and so on...



  • StarkStark Syria
    edited 8:31AM
    Hi , have a good day ,

    I think this will help :

    Try to recall the , Report.RegisterData( DataTable , "YourTableName"); // it will not create another data if "YourTableName" was the same !

  • edited 8:31AM
    Stark wrote: »
    Hi , have a good day ,

    I think this will help :

    Try to recall the , Report.RegisterData( DataTable , "YourTableName"); // it will not create another data if "YourTableName" was the same !


    I have done it this way:
                report.GetDataSource("MOJA").Enabled = true;
                TableDataSource tds = report.GetDataSource("MOJA") as TableDataSource;
                tds.SelectCommand = "Select * from MOJA where Drug=Enebrel";

    But it does not apply my SelectCommand. Table "MOJA" is raw table with data, with no connection.

    Problem is:
    I have 2 tables - Master/Detail under Connection/DataSet with SelectCommnad set. - works OK
    Than I want to add raw DataTable "MOJA" to my report, also with SelectCommand set - NOT OK

    Is it possible to have Select COmmand on raw type DataTable? I can see it,but it do not works.
    In SelectCommnad property I want to refer to parameter from another table ...
  • StarkStark Syria
    edited 8:31AM
    Hi ,

    as far as I know , you can't apply select command at Raw DataTable ,

    My be you should try with Row Filter , Table Filter or something , you can find more info about it
    at online help manual


    Search for "Filter"

    Hope this help

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