Error occured while adding controls in toolbox

edited 10:37PM in FastReport .NET
Just now I have installed FastReport.Net Demo on my pc (winxpsp2)
I have checked the box to install components at the time of installation but when I open my visual studio i have'nt found the components.
So I tried manually but it fails and gives error.

Error is

The type library "c:\...\FastReport.tlb" could not be loaded

Thanks in Advance


  • edited 10:37PM

    FR does not install toolbox items in Express edition. You should install them manually as described in the programmer's manual.
    In your screenshot I see that you are trying to add COM component. It's not correct, you should add .Net Framework component.
  • edited 10:37PM
    Thanks for giving reply.

    I tried manually in both tabs (.Net Framework Components as well as Com Component tab)
    The result is same.

    here is result

  • edited 10:37PM
    Please install MS Chart Control first. It can be downloaded here:

    You also may use the latest build of FR.Net which installs this control to GAC by default.
  • edited June 2010
    YUP... DONE

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