Conversion from 2.5 to 4.0

edited 11:40PM in FastReport 4.0
Hi all,

I'm trying to convert my FastReport 2.5 code into the latest FastReport 4.
I have some problems because I don't know I can change some events present into the FastReport 2.5, in particular the events associated to the TfrxReport component.

The events are the foolowing:


Someone can Help me please?
I hope that I was clear.

Thanks in advice,


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 11:40PM
    assuming you are working at the delphi level
    for begin and end band and not inside the report.
    use the onbeforeprint event it fires for every object in the report
    onafterprint is the same
    procedure TForm1.frxReport1BeforePrint(Sender: TfrxReportComponent);
    if = 'Masterdata1' then
    do something (read or set a variable)
    onbeforeprint for a page only fires once when the design page is started
    Post some sample code that you are trying to convert
  • edited 11:40PM
    Thanks for your help gordk.

    Now I have some other problems...
    In FastReport 2.5 there are two events called "OnBeginPage" and "OnEndPage"...I search a lot but I can't find anything similar in FastReport 4.0, and the events "OnBeforePrint" and "OnAfterPrint" can't help me. How can I do?

    Always in FastRerort 2.5 the component "frPage" has the properties Left, Right, Top and Bottom margin...which are the corresponding properties in FastReport 4.0?

    Thanks in advice,
  • edited 11:40PM
    Always in FastRerort 2.5 the component "frPage" has the properties Left, Right, Top and Bottom margin...which are the corresponding properties in FastReport 4.0?
    LeftMargin, RightMargin, TopMargin and BottomMargin.
  • edited 11:40PM
    Thanks OlegK, I was using the component TfrxPage and not TfrxPageReport, so I couldn't find those properties.

    In every cause I have to replace the events "OnBeginPage" and "OnEndPage"...and I don't know how can I do this...

    Another question...If at runtime I have to add a line inside the report, and that line has to be print inside every page, how can I do?

    Thanks in advice to all,
  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 11:40PM
    Marco look in the public.binaries newsgroup i posted a demo there on 3/8/2008
    titled demo for newbies.
    it covers a lot of concepts and should give you some insight.
    the onbegin page only fires when a designpage starts it does not fire for out put pages.
    if your bands do not stretch(like a preprinted form you can draw lines on an overlay band)
    set designer to largeheight in design mode add the overlay(underlay) after all other bands
    then add your shapes to the overlay.
  • edited 11:40PM
    I'm trying to insert a line at runtine but I can't...following there's the code...

    vPage: TfrxReportPage;
    vLine : TfrxLineView;



    During the prepare report appears an error who said "Invalid pointer operation", can someone say to me if I'm doing something wrong?

    Thanks in advice,
  • edited January 2010
    I'm trying to insert a line at runtine but I can't...
    Use this code:
      vPage: TfrxReportPage;
      vLine: TfrxLineView;
      vPage := frxReport1.FindObject('Page1') as TfrxReportPage;
      vLine := TfrxLineView.Create(vPage);
      vLine.SetBounds(1, 1, 100, 1);
  • edited 11:40PM
    Thanks very much for your help [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /> Another question about the lines insertion... Those lines that I added at runtine to the ReportPage, are printed only in the first page and not also in the other pages... Can you say me why? Thanks in advice, Marco.[/img]
  • edited January 2010
    Those lines that I added at runtine to the ReportPage, are printed only in the first page and not also in the other pages... Can you say me why?
    vPage := frxReport1.FindObject('Page1') as TfrxReportPage;
    vLine := TfrxLineView.Create(vPage);
    This code creates line only in Page1.

    To create line in every page, use following code:
      vPage: TfrxReportPage;
      vLine: TfrxLineView;
      I: Integer;
      for I := 1 to frxReport1.PagesCount - 1 do
        vPage := frxReport1.Pages[I] as TfrxReportPage;
        vLine := TfrxLineView.Create(vPage);
        vLine.SetBounds(1, 1, 100, 1);
  • edited January 2010
    Is there a complete conversion guide from FastReport 2.5 to 4.0?

  • edited 11:40PM
    ssnews wrote: »
    Is there a complete conversion guide from FastReport 2.5 to 4.0?


    I need a conversion guide because otherwise is too difficult for me to convert my code from FastReport 2.5 to 4.0...
    Infact I can't find procedures like "vPage.ChangePaper" or properties like "vPage.PrnInfo.Ofx" or "vPage.PrnInfo.Ofy"...

    In every case I always can't draw lines inside all pages with the following code:
      vPage: TfrxReportPage;
      vLine: TfrxLineView;
      I: Integer;
      for I := 1 to frxReport1.PagesCount - 1 do
        vPage := frxReport1.Pages[I] as TfrxReportPage;
        vLine := TfrxLineView.Create(vPage);
        vLine.SetBounds(1, 1, 100, 1);

    ...lines are printed only in the first page. What I have to do?

    thanks in advice to all,
  • edited 11:40PM
    What is your version of FastReport 4?
  • gpigpi
    edited 11:40PM
    Try to place TfrxLineView on TfrxPageHeader band
  • hi! what is the latest version for fastreport right now? because i like to upgrade my old version.

    thank you,
  • Anu de DeusAnu de Deus Hampshire, UK
    edited 11:40PM
    You need to specify a different name for each object in each page.
    Because you are creating without specifying a name, they all get a blank name, and only the 1st one survives, and you see no exceptions being raised
    Try something like this:
      for I := 1 to frxReport1.PagesCount - 1 do
        vPage := frxReport1.Pages[I] as TfrxReportPage;
        vLine := TfrxLineView.Create(vPage);
            vLine.CreateUniqueName; // << good start, but not enough because you repeat the same in other pages
   := +; // considering that all pages have different names (page1, page2,etc), this will garantee its uniqueness
        vLine.SetBounds(1, 1, 100, 1);

    ssnews wrote: »
    ssnews wrote: »
    Is there a complete conversion guide from FastReport 2.5 to 4.0?


    I need a conversion guide because otherwise is too difficult for me to convert my code from FastReport 2.5 to 4.0...
    Infact I can't find procedures like "vPage.ChangePaper" or properties like "vPage.PrnInfo.Ofx" or "vPage.PrnInfo.Ofy"...

    In every case I always can't draw lines inside all pages with the following code:
      vPage: TfrxReportPage;
      vLine: TfrxLineView;
      I: Integer;
      for I := 1 to frxReport1.PagesCount - 1 do
        vPage := frxReport1.Pages[I] as TfrxReportPage;
        vLine := TfrxLineView.Create(vPage);
        vLine.SetBounds(1, 1, 100, 1);

    ...lines are printed only in the first page. What I have to do?

    thanks in advice to all,
  • edited February 2010
    hi! what is the latest version for fastreport right now? because i like to upgrade my old version.
    The lastest version is 4.9.21

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