Chart Control - Setting Min/Max for Y-Axis???
I must be missing something fairly basic, but I can't find a way to set the minimum/maximum values for the Y-Axis on a Line Chart. Simply put, I want the Y-Axis to show a min of 0 to a max of 100 regardless of what the data for the Y-Axis contains. So if the data runs from 0 to 25, I want it graphed with a min value of 0 and a max value on the Y axis of 100, so the data for 25 will point to just 1/4 of the graph instead of having the graph autoscale the axis. This is a fairly basic charting requirement, so I am assuming that I am just overlooking a min/max value setting.
Can someone show me now to do this?
Can someone show me now to do this?
It can be done in the "Properties" window.
- select Chart object;
- go to the Properties window;
- expand the Chart property;
- locate the ChartAreas property and invoke its editor;
- locate the Axes property and invoke its editor;
- choose Y axis from the left list;
- set the Scale/Maximum, Minimum properties.
When you finish, make a minor change in your report (for example, move the chart object). This is needed to save changes.
It works in your example, but I wasn't able to get it to work in my report. Regardless, I just created a new series with the default values I wanted and that seems to have solved my problem.