2/5 Interleaved Barcode Problem

i place two barcode objects in the design window,
barcode type: 2/5 Interleaved,
barcode text is same: 78999904525,
the CalcCheckSum property: one is true, another is false
i print this two barcode, they are all same,
i use scanner scan them, first i set the scanner not check the check-digit, the result is 7899990452, lost the last digit "5"!
ant then i disable the check-digit function of the scanner, scan the two barcodes again, the scanner can not read them at all!


  • edited 6:49AM

    I will fix the CheckSum in the tomorrow's daily build. Also note that 2of5Interleaved code must contain even number of digits (if you provide odd number of digits, the last digit will be ignored).
  • edited 6:49AM
    ok, now the checksum work fine in

    another question, 2/5 inerleaved barcode must contain even number of digits, it ok,
    but if i set CalCheckSum to false, i use Fast-Report and ArgoBar Lite to print barcode: 78999904525,
    as your specify, Fast-Report generate a barcode 7899990452, ignore the last digit,
    but ArgoBar Lite generate a barcode 078999904525, it pad "0" in the prefix.

    it's hard to tell which way is fine, but as a customer, i don't want to lost any digit in the barcode,
    i would like the program pad "0" in the prefix.

    anyway, thanks a lot. >
  • edited 6:49AM
    You may turn on CalcCheckSum, in this case it will add the checksum digit to the end of code (if code has odd number of digits), or replace the last digit (if code has even number of digits).
  • edited 6:49AM
    ok, I will add leading zero in case when checksum is turned off.
  • edited 6:49AM
    All ok now, thank you. :lol:" border="0" alt="laugh.gif" />" alt=">" />

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