web form export pdf error in Traditional Chinese Font

when May 22 2009,I ask a question for traditional chinese word export question.
It still error. I thank it may be Traditional Chinese font name's problem.
Because when Open pdf file,Acrobat reader show error message:Can not find or create Font "dfghgf978077#$#$".(<---error name.)
you can download Traditional Chinese font for test.

http://www.jack168.com/download/kaiu.ttf (font name in chinese:"標楷體")



  • edited 8:19PM

    I've downloaded and installed this font. It appears in my font list as "DFKai-SB". I can use it in the Text object, and export to PDF with no problems.
  • edited 8:19PM
    AlexTZ wrote: »

    I've downloaded and installed this font. It appears in my font list as "DFKai-SB". I can use it in the Text object, and export to PDF with no problems.

    Because your operating system is the English version,but we are using the Chinese version.
    So,when you call "Font.Name" ,the value is "DFKai-SB".But when we call it,the value is "標楷體".
    To fix this problem, when call "Font.Name",it must get the english font name in any operating system.
    But I don't know how to achieve it.
  • edited 8:19PM

    Thanks, we will try to find a workaround for this. I will let you know when we finish.
  • edited 8:19PM

    I've downloaded and installed this font. It appears in my font list as "DFKai-SB". I can use it in the Text object, and export to PDF with no problems.

    Because your operating system is the English version,but we are using the Chinese version.
    So,when you call "Font.Name" ,the value is "DFKai-SB".But when we call it,the value is "標楷體".
    To fix this problem, when call "Font.Name",it must get the english font name in any operating system.
    But I don't know how to achieve it.

    My problem is the same as Jeffery Lee.
    Waiting for FlexTz's solution.

    By the way,I have see Chinese (Simplified).frl in Language Folder, When will you support Traditional Chinese. Thank you.
    Would you need help for transfer Chinese(Simplified).frl to Chinese(Traditional).frl ?
  • edited 8:19PM

    Chinese PDF font should work well now.
  • edited 8:19PM
    AlexTZ wrote: »

    Chinese PDF font should work well now.
    I use simplified chinese operating system,
    but when i export pdf,the chinese characters is incorrect.
    I use SimSun font. After export the font name is not SimSun,it is #5B8B#4F53.
    So pdf about chinese characters is blank.
    please check attachment!
  • edited 8:19PM

    Do you use latest FR.Net version? We have fixed this issue some time ago.
  • edited 8:19PM
    I have used the lasted version!
  • edited 8:19PM
    Both files (Correct.pdf, Ucorrect.pdf) were produced by FastReport.Net. How do you get two different results?
  • edited 8:19PM
    After export PDF,the manually modified!
  • edited 8:19PM

    Please tell me exact version (including build number) of FastReport.Net which you use.
  • edited 8:19PM
    the fastreport i used,its building number is FRNet_1_57_Pro.
    I download it on July 30.

  • edited 8:19PM
    Please run the following code in your WindowsForms button.Click event and tell me which name do you see?

    Font font = new Font("SimSun", 10);

    I don't have chinese Windows and can't check that.
  • edited 8:19PM
    the result is "宋体",please check the attachment.
    thank you.
  • edited 8:19PM
    Please try the same, but wit 1033 parameter:

    Font font = new Font("SimSun", 10);
  • edited 8:19PM
    the result is "SimSun".
    Cehck the attachment!
  • edited 8:19PM
    Just fine. The fixed version will be available in 6 hours.
  • edited 8:19PM
    OK,thank you very much!
  • edited 8:19PM
    Thank you for your assistance >
  • edited 8:19PM
    the fastreport i used,its building number is FRNet_1_57_Pro.
    I download it on July 30.
    Where to download the latest version?I only use demo version
  • edited 8:19PM
    You can download it in your user's panel on our website (if you are registered user).
  • edited 8:19PM

    I can find it in 'my Controls' panel.where?strange.
  • edited 8:19PM
    Are you registered user? (did you bought FastReport.Net?)
  • edited 8:19PM
    xlfg wrote: »
    I can find it in 'my Controls' panel.where?strange.
    oh.it must be a purchased customer can download,right?I'am tinking about buy it if my application finished
  • edited 8:19PM
    Yes, once you bought a license you will get an access to the control panel where you can download latest registered versions.
  • edited 8:19PM
    I use traditional chinese operating system,
    I export to pdf, the chinese characters is ok when text object's font name is MingLiu(chinesd font name is '細明體'),
    but it is blank when text object's font name is Arial(default font).

    report preview & print is ok.

    I use the lastest version (2009.08.05)
  • edited 8:19PM

    Arial font does not contain Chinese symbols. When you use it in Windows application to draw some text, Windows does the thing called "font substitution". It searches for another font that contains Chinese chars and uses it instead of Arial to draw these chars (note that latin chars are still drawn using Arial). This is complex thing and it's hard to implement it in the PDF export. The solution is to use specific font to display chinese symbols, instead of Arial.
  • edited 8:19PM
    If i use Chinese font MingLiu(細明體), set font size = 11pt, export to pdf is ok,
    But when i design or preview report, text will be clipped a little on top edge.
    It's like that drawing text using GDI not GDI+, but i call follow statement when program start: Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false).
  • edited 8:19PM
    Try to increase the Padding.Top property value of the Text object.
  • edited 8:19PM
    It's no use to increase the Padding.Top property value, text is clipped a little however when using MingLiu(chinesd font) font.
    If you use Arial font, it's ok.

    But windows forms control is ok using same font when call Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false) in program start.

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