Recommend way to convert FR3 user functions ?
I use a number of user functions in my FR Studio reports, mainly for data formatting.
I have been thinking about making a special assembly and use it from script, but that is much more complicated than just selecting the function on the data panel.
What would be the recommend way to convert them ?
Thank you,
I use a number of user functions in my FR Studio reports, mainly for data formatting.
I have been thinking about making a special assembly and use it from script, but that is much more complicated than just selecting the function on the data panel.
What would be the recommend way to convert them ?
Thank you,
There is no way to add user functions in the "Data" window. I'm working in this direction, such ability will be added soon.
Any news about this functionality ?
I did not finished it yet. It will be available in the 1.1 version which will be released in the next month.
The next build will contain "Functions" node in the "Data" window. It will be available in this midnight.
I saw the new Functions node, with the standard functions.
Is it possible to add custom functions (user functions) ?
We need to do that in order to save some calculated data to a database, etc.
Please check the Demos\C#\UserFunctions example.
I tried to download the latest demo version, but the file keeps coming down empty (0 bytes).
I tried it from 2 different locations.
Can anybody confirm if the file is corrupt ?
Thank you.