set the printer bin?
Is there a new way implemented to set the printer bin after preparing the report?
In version 3 it was possible by setting the Bin-Property of the preview-page. But how can i achive this behaviour in version 4?
Thanks for thinking about.
Is there a new way implemented to set the printer bin after preparing the report?
In version 3 it was possible by setting the Bin-Property of the preview-page. But how can i achive this behaviour in version 4?
Thanks for thinking about.
page 12 of the programmers manual.
Page: TfrxReportPage;
{ the first report???s page has [1] index. [0] is the Data page. }
Page := TfrxReportPage(frxReport1.Pages[1]);
{ modify the size }
Page.PaperSize := DMPAPER_A2;
{ modify the paper orientation }
Page.Orientation := poLandscape;
Page.Bin :=
But your solution doesnt work for me, because i save the prepared report to a file, load it again from the file and print it then. In this situation, the Report.PagesCount is 0 an thats why i cant change the printer-bin.
Do you know a solution for it?