Internationalisation with Delphi XE2

New to Fast Reports, After designing my first report, I want to transalte ToolTips that apear in the Preview window to Spanish.
Following what I have read in other threads here, I want to execute the mk.bat contained in the spanish folder in C:\Program Files\FastReports\FastReport 4 Embarcadero edition\Res\Spanish
Opening for edit this bat file, I see that the corresponding folder for XE2 does not exist in this bat (LibD16).
As I am not sure, is it enough to add this line in the bat. <copy *.pas ..\..\LibD16\> and execute it ?

Actually, the content of the bat file is as follows.

..\frcc.exe frxrcClass.xml
..\frcc.exe frxrcDesgn.xml
..\frcc.exe frxrcExports.xml
..\frcc.exe frxrcInsp.xml
copy frxrcClass.pas ..\..\Source
copy frxrcDesgn.pas ..\..\Source
copy frxrcExports.pas ..\..\Source\ExportPack
copy frxrcInsp.pas ..\..\Source
copy *.pas ..\..\LibD4\
copy *.pas ..\..\LibD5\
copy *.pas ..\..\LibD6\
copy *.pas ..\..\LibD7\
copy *.pas ..\..\LibD9\
copy *.pas ..\..\LibD10\
copy *.pas ..\..\LibD11\
copy *.pas ..\..\LibD12\
copy *.pas ..\..\LibD14\
copy *.pas ..\..\LibBCB4\
copy *.pas ..\..\LibBCB5\
copy *.pas ..\..\LibBCB6\
del *.pas

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