Open project C++ Builder XE2 with FastReport in XE3
Hello, it happens I did a program in C + + Builder XE2 with reports in FastReports, now I'm testing the C + + Builder XE3 and the problem is that when compiling sends me the following error:
"file not found: C: \ ProgramData \ Documents \ RAD Studio \ 9.0 \ Styles \ CobaltXEMedia.vsf"
"file not found: C: \ ProgramData \ Documents \ RAD Studio \ 9.0 \ Styles \ RubyGraphite.vsf"
windows are also asking me the location of the files "frxe16.bpi", "fsDB16.bpi" and others in the installation folder there is only LibD17 FastReport in files "frxe17.bpi" and others, and I can not compile my program, how I can solve my problem?
"file not found: C: \ ProgramData \ Documents \ RAD Studio \ 9.0 \ Styles \ CobaltXEMedia.vsf"
"file not found: C: \ ProgramData \ Documents \ RAD Studio \ 9.0 \ Styles \ RubyGraphite.vsf"
windows are also asking me the location of the files "frxe16.bpi", "fsDB16.bpi" and others in the installation folder there is only LibD17 FastReport in files "frxe17.bpi" and others, and I can not compile my program, how I can solve my problem?