Installation in Lazarus IDE

-Windows 7
-FastReport 4.13 - Enterprise edition
-Lazarus 1.1 - Win32


anybody who did already install new version 4.13 with Lazarus IDE? I can compile FastScript and FastReport package but have problems to finally install FastReport into Lazarus IDE.

First a message occurs :

The unit fs_ibasic exists double in IDE path :

1. "C:\Program Files (x86)\FastReports\FastReport4\Source\lib\i386-win32-win32\fs_ibasic.ppu
2. "C:\Program Files (x86)\FastReports\FastReport4\FastScript\lib\i386-win32-win32\fs_ibasic.ppu

"Check if two package units containing the same name"

If I ignore this and proceed compiling, finaly I get message about missing *.pas files in

C:\Program Files (x86)\FastReports\FastReport4\Source\lib\i386-win32-win32

The missing files are in

C:\Program Files (x86)\FastReports\FastReport4\Source

This path I can't add into package search path because Lazarus seems to have problems with spaces in the path "C:\Program Files (x86)"

Any hints for a proper installation, or correcting the lazarus package?

With best regards - Ulrich Groffy


  • edited 2:08PM

    I have the same problem.

    Please help us to test FR in lazarus enviroment.

    Fabrizio Cavadini
  • edited 2:08PM

    maybe it would be interesting to know from FR-team in which constellation (Win7-32/64 bit, Win-XP, Lazarus 1.x) the packages were build and tested.

    pambry wrote: »

    I have the same problem.

    Please help us to test FR in lazarus enviroment.

    Fabrizio Cavadini
  • edited 2:08PM
    I have same problem, even i try putting all the fastreport sources inside "c:\lazarus\components\fastreport.413" for the name spaces, but exactly the same problem.

    fastscript installs perfectly.
  • edited November 2012
    peleus wrote: »
    Quick question are you using 32 bit OS or 64 here? And was this working before?

    -Windows 7 x64
    -FastReport 4.13 - Enterprise edition
    -Lazarus 1.0.2 - Win32

    and first time installing,

    I notice this error

    PPU Invalid Version 135 and then frxCustomDBRTTI.pas(0,0) Fatal: Can not find unit fs_idbrtti used by frxCustomDBRTTI.
  • edited 2:08PM
    Groffy wrote: »

    maybe it would be interesting to know from FR-team in which constellation (Win7-32/64 bit, Win-XP, Lazarus 1.x) the packages were build and tested.

    I use Win7 32 Bit with Lazarus 1.02 32bit Win OS.

  • edited December 2012
    Windows XP
    FastReport 4.13 Enterprise edition
    Lazarus 1.04

    Ok, finally I did it!

    * I just ignored everything whats in Lazarus.txt.
    * Added fs_idbrtti, fs_idbctrlsrtti files to fs_lazarus.lpk package
    * Compile fr4_lazarus.lpk and install in Lazarus IDE.

    After recompiling the Lazarus.exe did not start because the file zlib1.dll were missing on my system. I don't know which part of Lazarus/FastReport needs this dll, so I copied the zlib1.dll in Windows\System32 folder. After rstart of Lazarus IDE there are two additional component tabs FR4Controls and FR4 Design. All FastReport component icons are missing, but seems to work ok. FastSript package is installed as well

    You can place TfrxReport component on a form and open the report designer by double click on control or by using the control context menu.

    Happy FastReporting :-)

    Best regards - Ulrich

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