Install FR4 in both XE2 and XE3

edited 2:46PM in FastReport 4.0

I have FR4 Professional license.
for me is fine to have XE2 with FR4.12 and XE3 with FR4.13 but this is not possible without some tricks.
BTW: in XE I have FR4.11.2 because this installer use other unique identifier and is not uninstalled by new versions.

OK. I installed FR4.13 for XE2. All is OK.
I recompiled for XE3 but nothing happens because 4.12.13 Embarcadero Edition components is installed in tool palette.
Do I need to uninstall "Embarcadero Edition" and manually install 4.13?

Best regards,
Cristian Peta


  • edited 2:46PM

    I managed to install in both XE2 and XE3 with FR 4.13.1
    I installed in first IDE and use "Recompile wizard" for second.
    After this I must manually add packages from "Components"->"Install packages" for the second IDE.

    Now all is OK.

    Best regards,
    Cristian Peta

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