PDF-Export - RTF-Text empty
We're using Fastreport for standard reports and for simple letters. The customer can edit the reports in the fastreport designer. The letters can be edited with our integrated RTF-Editor (TRichview or something like that).
If we generate a letter-report, we take the richtext and put it directly into the fastreport-report. Works all fine, I can print it, preview it and export it to word (rtf) or excel.
BUT: If i d'like to export the report to PDF, the hole page is empty...
Do you have any suggestens where I can find the mistake?
Thank you very much!
We're using Fastreport for standard reports and for simple letters. The customer can edit the reports in the fastreport designer. The letters can be edited with our integrated RTF-Editor (TRichview or something like that).
If we generate a letter-report, we take the richtext and put it directly into the fastreport-report. Works all fine, I can print it, preview it and export it to word (rtf) or excel.
BUT: If i d'like to export the report to PDF, the hole page is empty...
  exp: TfrxCustomExportFilter;
  if AExport = eftNothing then
    //Print directly
  else begin
    //Export to PDF
    exp:= TfrxPDFExport.Create( nil );
    exp.FileName:= AFilename;
    exp.ShowDialog:= false;
    mrep.Export( exp );
Do you have any suggestens where I can find the mistake?
Thank you very much!
I can send you the pdf if you like to test it...
Do you have any ideas?
Other question, same topic:
I d'like to export the pdf without the dialog (showdialog:=false). But then, the quality of the RFT (infact its a jpg) is really really bad.
If I export it with the dialog shown, the quality is good.
In the dialog, i can change the "Quality". Not in the code, because FQuality in frxExportPDF is privat. And because FQuality is 0, the pdf looks like a cow has eaten the sheet...
I'm having a similar problem with exporting a report to pdf with a chart.
Please see post:
Exporting report with chart to PDF: Chart quality poor
I would love to work with someone to solve this problem.
Hardee Mahoney
Washington, DC