EOF error in Delphi
When I'm calling a pre created report that is a simple ADOQuery from Delphi and in the pre -created report I don't set the number of rows in the master data band I get an EOF error (EOF OR BOF is true or current record has been deleted). And then the report loads just fine. However if i set the number of for less than or equal to the row count of the master data then I don't get that error. Is it required to know the number of master records when firing an ado query in a report called from delphi? here is the code i am using to call the report:
I'm brand new using fast reports(this week is the first time i've used it. Im really struggling so any help would be greatly appreciated)
var Connection1 : tfrxAdoDatabase; //connection variable
    Query1 : tfrxADOQuery;
with tfrxReport.create(self) do
          //Load Report
          //load connection properties
          Connection1 := FindObject('Connection1') as tfrxAdoDatabase;
          //define connection username and password
          // prepare and show report
          if Preparereport then
I'm brand new using fast reports(this week is the first time i've used it. Im really struggling so any help would be greatly appreciated)
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