Don't show datasets
I use version 2.53 but the problem was the same with the 2.51. In a program that takes the data from datamodule, that, by supposed is in the uses clause, in execution when going to the design of the report, nothing of which this in datamodule appears, single appears dataset that it is in own form. This has begun to happen suddenly, since before it was not. In addition to me it happens single with this application not with others. Use delphi 7 with advantage server database.
if running under ide open datamodule form once then go back to your other form.
see what happens
I've done that tou say and nothing happens.
This is my project source
program Maquinaria;
fMain in 'fMain.pas' {FormMain},
mMain in 'mMain.pas' {dmMain: TDataModule},
mInformes in 'mInformes.pas' {dmInformes: TDataModule},
mEntidades in 'mEntidades.pas' {dmEntidades: TDataModule},
fPartes in 'fPartes.pas' {FormPartes},
mPartes in 'mPartes.pas' {dmPartes: TDataModule},
fLugares in 'fLugares.pas' {FormLugares},
fMaquinas in 'fMaquinas.pas' {FormMaquinas},
FArticulos in 'FArticulos.pas' {formArticulos},
fPuntosRevision in 'fPuntosRevision.pas' {FormPuntosRevision},
fListados in 'fListados.pas' {FormListados},
mProcAlm in 'mProcAlm.pas' {dmProcAlm: TDataModule},
fEnvDatos in 'fEnvDatos.pas' {fromEnvDatos},
uAbout in 'uAbout.pas' {AboutBox},
{$R *.res}
Application.CreateForm(TdmMain, dmMain);
Application.CreateForm(TFormMain, FormMain);
Application.CreateForm(TdmInformes, dmInformes);
Application.CreateForm(TdmEntidades, dmEntidades);
Application.CreateForm(TdmPartes, dmPartes);
Application.CreateForm(TdmProcAlm, dmProcAlm);
the module dmInformes is where datasets are, and, for example, fMaquinas, that is created at run time, call the report with datasets in dmInformes and it's datasets don't show.
make sure all datamodules are created before auto created forms.
and when in ide you must view each datamodule once before any other.
and don't forget only 1 designer component per project if adding design capabilities.