Class TfrxDBDataset not found.
Hello. From time to time this message appeared to me to run my application.
Class TfrxDBDataset not found.
What happen?
Class TfrxDBDataset not found.
What happen?
I'm having a similar problem adding a TfrxUserDataSet by code. I have a TfrxUserDataSet on the form so it is installed and can be found but still won't work...
If I find a solution to my problem there will be a similar fix for yours.
Try adding a RegisterClass(TfrxDBDataset) to the Create() of your Delphi application... let me know if this works for you.
If the implementation section of my code is like this:
uses System.TypInfo, System.IOUtils, System.StrUtils, System.Types, System.Variants, System.DateUtils,
FMX.Dialogs, FMX.Forms;
{%CLASSGROUP 'FMX.Controls.TControl'}
{$R *.dfm}
The form editor shows the error "Class TfrxDBDataset not found." and eliminates from the visual form all the components.
Instead if I change this part, to show like the next block, all works well:
{%CLASSGROUP 'FMX.Controls.TControl'}
{$R *.dfm}
uses System.TypInfo, System.IOUtils, System.StrUtils, System.Types, System.Variants, System.DateUtils,
FMX.Dialogs, FMX.Forms;