Don't refresh data after first print

I created a unit with a report and multiple dataset at runtime, it works fine the first time, but the second does not update data.

Creation Procedure
  Constructor TReportContatti.Create;
    FNum := 0;
    frxReportContatti := TfrxReport.Create(Nil);

    frxUserDataSetContatti := TfrxUserDataSet.Create(Nil);
    frxUserDataSetContatti.RangeBegin := rbFirst;
    frxUserDataSetContatti.RangeEnd := reLast;
    frxUserDataSetContatti.UserName := 'frxUserDataSetContatti';
    frxUserDataSetContatti.Enabled := True;
    frxUserDataSetContatti.OnFirst := frxUserDataSetContattiFirst;
    frxUserDataSetContatti.OnCheckEOF := frxUserDataSetContattiCheckEOF;
    frxUserDataSetContatti.OnGetValue := frxUserDataSetContattiGetValue;
    frxUserDataSetContatti.OnNext := frxUserDataSetContattiNext;

    frxUserDataSetUtenze := TfrxUserDataSet.Create(Nil);
    frxUserDataSetUtenze.RangeBegin := rbFirst;
    frxUserDataSetUtenze.RangeEnd := reLast;
    frxUserDataSetUtenze.UserName := 'frxUserDataSetUtenze';
    frxUserDataSetUtenze.Enabled := True;
    frxUserDataSetUtenze.OnCheckEOF := frxUserDataSetUtenzeCheckEOF;
    frxUserDataSetUtenze.OnGetValue := frxUserDataSetUtenzeGetValue;



    frxReportContatti.Variables.AddVariable('Header','Header1', QuotedStr(Gv_Globals.TrascTemplate.Intestazione[1]));
    frxReportContatti.Variables.AddVariable('Header','Header2', QuotedStr(Gv_Globals.TrascTemplate.Intestazione[2]));


Any idea?


  • edited 10:33AM
    Giovanni_R wrote: »

    LoadFromFile() 'erases' any work which you have done before that and establishes the conditions which were present when you saved 'ReportContatti.fr3'.
  • edited 10:33AM
    flogger123 wrote: »
    Well that's dangerous specially if all your work is gone and start from scratch. Any practice to have this prevented?
    Do LoadFromFile as the first operation and THEN make any necessary changes.

    When you think about it is quite logical that LoadFromFile behaves in that way.

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