How to stop report on no data

edited 10:25AM in FastReport 4.0
I am trying to show a message and stop a report if there is no data to show.

In the report I can see, and use fields from the TfxDBDataset (called frxDBDatasetNextStepsByDept).
I have the OBP event as follows
procedure Page1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
    if frxDBDatasetNextStepsByDept.RecordCount = 0 then  //<--this uses the TfxDBDataset 
    ShowMessage('No data is available for this report');

However I get an undefined identifier error on frxDBDatasetNextStepsByDept. The same happens if I use the TClientDataSet that it is connected to or if I put in the form name as well
ie Frm_NextStepsReports.frxDBDatasetNextStepsByDept

The report uses the following chain of components to get its data from a SQLite3 database.
SQLite Database -> DISQlite3UniDirQuery (called QryNextStepsByDept) -> TDataSetProvider (called dspNextStepsByDept) ->TClientDataSet (called cdsNextStepsByDept) ->TfxDBDataset (called frxDBDatasetNextStepsByDept) ->TfrxReport . They are on a delphi form called Frm_NextStepsReports

What is the correct syntax to do it?
Is there even an 'OnNoData' event for a report hidden away somewhere [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" /> Howard[/img]


  • gpigpi
    edited 10:25AM
    Modified script for 52.fr3 from FRDemo
    procedure Button1OnClick(Sender: TfrxComponent);
      BDEQuery1.ParamByName('p1').Value := StrToInt(Edit1.Text);
    procedure Page1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
       // if BDEQuery1.RecordCount = 0 then  //<--this uses the internal dataset                                         
        if Report.GetDataset('Internal query').RecordCount = 0 then //<--this uses the TfxDBDataset
            ShowMessage('No data is available for this report');
  • hsmhsm
    edited 10:25AM
    gpi wrote: »
    Modified script for 52.fr3 from FRDemo
    procedure Button1OnClick(Sender: TfrxComponent);
      BDEQuery1.ParamByName('p1').Value := StrToInt(Edit1.Text);
    procedure Page1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
       // if BDEQuery1.RecordCount = 0 then  //<--this uses the internal dataset                                         
        if Report.GetDataset('Internal query').RecordCount = 0 then //<--this uses the TfxDBDataset
            ShowMessage('No data is available for this report');

    Thank you, that seemed to work to display the message (using the '<--this uses the TfxDBDataset' line). However the report is still left open with just a grey background.

    Is it possible to also close the report and return to my program - without clicking the close button.
  • gpigpi
    edited 10:25AM
    Try to use user function and close TfrxReport.PreviewForm in TfrxReport.OnEndDoc event
  • hsmhsm
    edited 10:25AM
    gpi wrote: »
    Try to use user function and close TfrxReport.PreviewForm in TfrxReport.OnEndDoc event

    OK, Thank you.

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