Conditional Field
Maybe this is a stupid question, but i don't find the solution.
I've a field with a numeric value. How I can do that if the value is greater than 0 print this value with a text and if 0 doesn't print anything ?
f.e. field name is <oRs."number">
<!--fonto:Courier New--><span style="font-family:Courier New"><!--/fonto-->if <oRs."number"> > 0 then
"Number:" + <oRs."number">
Thanks for your support.
Maybe this is a stupid question, but i don't find the solution.
I've a field with a numeric value. How I can do that if the value is greater than 0 print this value with a text and if 0 doesn't print anything ?
f.e. field name is <oRs."number">
<!--fonto:Courier New--><span style="font-family:Courier New"><!--/fonto-->if <oRs."number"> > 0 then
"Number:" + <oRs."number">
Thanks for your support.
field.Visible := (<oRs."number"> > 0);
Work great !!! --> Now, it's easy jejeje Thanks.
Your tip i can't do it, because i don't know more, but my question is... ?? Wich is the best solution of both ? One script in Code Tab or put into memoview ? I like to know the correct way for this, but of course maybe both are correct...