Display Web Report with Parameter
I am trying to create a Web Report that accepts a parameter from my code but no matter what I do it ignores it and I cannot find any documentation on WebReport to help.
I have a basic frx file with a Parameter String and this has been set in the Filter property of the report.
Here is my code which firstly creates my DataSource and places it on the form. It then creates a WebReport and places this on the form.
Am I missing something simple ?
I have a basic frx file with a Parameter String and this has been set in the Filter property of the report.
Here is my code which firstly creates my DataSource and places it on the form. It then creates a WebReport and places this on the form.
Am I missing something simple ?
Dim uSQLDataSource As New SqlDataSource
uSQLDataSource.ID = "SqlDataSourceVoucher"
uSQLDataSource.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=XXXXX;Persist Security Info=True;Password=XXXX;User ID=XXXX;Initial Catalog=XXXX"
uSQLDataSource.ProviderName = "System.Data.OleDb"
uSQLDataSource.SelectCommand = "Customer_GetVoucherDetails"
uSQLDataSource.SelectCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.StoredProcedure
Dim uWebReport As New FastReport.Web.WebReport
uWebReport.ID = "Voucher"
uWebReport.ReportFile = "/App_Data/NewVoucher.frx"
uWebReport.ReportDataSources = "SqlDataSourceVoucher"
uWebReport.Report.SetParameterValue("VOrderID", 8)