Subdetails disappears details

fields24fields24 Tennessee
edited 8:14AM in FastReport 3.0
I have Fastreport 3.24 and have three datasets that are linked as Master-Detail-Subdetail.
I have tried over and over to get the subdetail bar to work in designing a report but cannot
get it to work.

When I add a Masterdetail and data memos, fine. When I add a Detail bar and add some
fields to it also fine. But when I add Subdetail the the detail bar disappears on the preview.

I have tried making the Masterdetail a Group header and even the Detail into a Group but
that also does not work. I have used the PrintIfDetailEmpty but it still no go. The
minute that I delete the subdetail bar the detail bar comes back.

It is a simple system where all of the Masters have a detail and some of the details
have subdetails but it still does not make sense. Am I missing a setting somewhere?

The datasets are ADO tables but I am using TFrxDBataset to link them because they have
to be viewed before printing. On the form they appear perfectly.

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