Check Digits

Hi all,

I'm using FR 4.2 Delphi Xe2 update 2. I've been using EAN13 barcodes in a report with a check digits ('Calc Checksum') and it all works fine. I've even checked that the checkdigit is calculated correctly which it is.

If I switch the barcode to EAN8, I don't seem to get a check digit, just my barcode value. The barcode text also seems to be all left aligned rather than right aligned as with EAN13. The 'Calc Checksum' is ticked for the barcode object.

Any ideas ?



  • edited 1:38PM
    I think I have found the culprit

    function TfrxBarcode.Code_EAN8:AnsiString;

    Its not setting FText correctly to include the check digit in the text.

    Does anyone agree with this ? If so, will we see it fixed in a future build ?

  • edited 1:38PM
    I know its a long time but FastReport send me a fix for this problem (frxBarcod.pas):
    procedure TfrxBarcode.DrawBarcode(Canvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; ShowText: Boolean); 
    procedure OutText; 
    TxtWidth: Integer; 
    FontHandle, OldFontHandle: HFont; 
    with EMFCanvas do 
    {Font.Name := 'Arial'; 
    Font.Size := 9; } 
    FontHandle := CreateRotatedFont(Font, Round(FAngle)); 
    OldFontHandle := SelectObject(Handle, FontHandle); 
    Brush.Color := Color; 
    SetBkMode(Handle, Transparent); 
    case FTyp of 
    bcCodeEAN8: // 8 digits, 4+4 
    //fix begin 
    if FCheckSum then 
    TextOutR(3, 3, 30, Copy(DoCheckSumming(copy(FText,length(FText)-6,7)), 1, 4)); 
    TextOutR(35, 35, BarWidth - 4, Copy(DoCheckSumming(copy(FText,length(FText)-6,7)), 5, 4)); 
    TextOutR(3, 3, 30, Copy(FText, 1, 4)); 
    TextOutR(35, 35, BarWidth - 4, Copy(FText, 5, 4)); 
    ///fix end
    It works, i also requested to include this fix to the next FastReport Version, because its apparently a bug.

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