Test requirements

edited 6:14AM in FastReport 3.0
Before install FR3 beta, I would like to know:
a) can it coexist with fr 2.45? I need to keep be able to deploy my app with the "stable" FR
;) does it compile with NATIVE (i.e. TIB_dataset) IBO components? Is there a .inc to edit? I only use native IBO components, and so need it to try to use FR3.0 in my app (a copy of it used for migration purpouse) and discover bugs
Marco Menardi


  • edited 6:14AM
    a) yes, it can
    ;) current FR3 version can't work with native IBO - the frxIBOSet file is incomplete and not tested yet. Final version will can and does not require any inc file editing.

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